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Quality Time with Quality Men 

The creator of this conference realized he needed to spend some quality time with some quality people.  8 men came to mind immediately, but few of them knew each other, and schedules were packed. 


Though disappointed, he refused to let another year going to go by without seeing these friends!  

So, in August, he set a date for the following June and spent over 9 months creating this curriculum to help:

  •  Welcome the group interactively

  •  Lead conversations to create deep connections

  •  Share Inspirational, faith-deepening insights

  •  Honor each attendee for their uniqueness

  •  Provide a balance of healthy and fun meals

  •  Have a great time!

To Charge or Not to Charge?

The first time this conference was run, it was a free event created to honor friends.


The upside of running the conference for free:

  • Attendees are truly grateful and amazed at how much work has been done for them.


The downside of providing this experience for free:​

  • Attendees don't understand the value being provided before the event

  • Since they haven't invested, people are more likely to cancel--even last minute

  • If you don't have money for expenses, it delays your trip

How Much to Charge

A typical 3-day personal development conference charges between $397 and $5,000+ and DOES NOT include lodging!


However, comparable men's retreats might charge as little as $159 for the entire weekend.


We recommend first determining your purpose and demographic for the event and charge accordingly.  You can always create a free event.  However, if you want to ensure your favorite people save the dates, then we recommend the following charges.

Charge Chart.png

Value of Your Purchase

The Victory Conference Curriculum Provides:

Planning Workbook

Value: $50

Printable Curriculum

Value: $75 



Value: $175

Unforgettable Weekend

Value: $350/person

Total Value: $300 - $2,750

Full Price: $300

Selling now for $99

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Have a Great Trip!
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